Legal Documentation

Below, you’ll find legal documentation for all products & services.

  • Clan Rules for World of Tanks and World of Warplanes
  • Clan Rules for World of Tanks and World of Warplanes

    By creating/joining and/or managing a clan, players of the World of Tanks and World of Warplanes understand, accept and agree that all the rules, agreements, policies and other documents adopted by the players when registered (created accounts) in World of Tanks and World of Warplanes (hereinafter referred to as the “User Agreement”) shall apply to creation, entry, management, and other use of the clans in the above mentioned games.


    1. Clan registration is offered to you on a fee basis. The registration fee will be automatically charged from the account of the player creating a clan at the moment of registration.
    2. The number of clan members must not exceed 100 people.
    3. The clan name consists of the full name and tag (abbreviation).
    4. The full clan name can contain lowercase and uppercase characters of the Latin, Cyrillic, and other national alphabets, spaces, digits, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
    5. The full clan name must not exceed 70 characters.
    6. The tag can contain only uppercase Latin characters and digits.
    7. The tag must be from 2 to 5 characters in length.
    8. Both the full name and tag are unique within the project. During name verification the case is not considered.
    9. The clan creator can enter a Clan Motto in the corresponding field. The Clan Motto can contain lowercase and uppercase characters of the Latin, Cyrillic, and other national alphabets, spaces, digits, hyphens (-) and underscores (_). The maximum length of a Clan Motto is 100 characters.
    10. The clan creator can enter a Clan Description in the corresponding field. The Clan Description can contain lowercase and uppercase characters of the Latin, Cyrillic, and other national alphabets, spaces, digits, hyphens (-) and underscores (_). The maximum length of a Clan Description is 1000 characters.
    11. Full and abbreviated clan names and clan mottoes and descriptions must not:
      • Be implicitly or explicitly connected to any organizations, historical or political representatives, including those convicted of crimes against mankind, that thus cause negative reaction of considerable number of people, or to any representatives or names of terrorist organizations, including currently operating ones. Violation example: Nazi attributes, abbreviations or symbols of any kind, e.g. “SS”, as well as names, last names or initials of Nazi representatives.
      • Contain a reference to racial or national superiority, as well as promote discrimination in any form
      • Imply any insult or obscenity
      • Be related to pedophilia, incapability or consequences of harassment
      • Insult in any way a certain ethnic or racial group
      • Implicitly or explicitly be associated with sexual intercourse or violence
      • Implicitly or explicitly promote, refer to or use alcohol or drugs
      • Contain copyrighted or registered trademark elements in whole or in part
      • Contain information that could lead to erroneous perception of the clan as a clan of the Administration
      • Contain obscene acronyms, expressions or phrases
      • Violate the terms of the License Agreement between the Players and the Project Administration in any way, including the legislation of the jurisdiction country of the Project
      • Contain links to other Internet resources, except for references to the resources of the Project or other resources that are defined as appropriate by the Administration.
      • Both the full name and the tag, as well as mottoes and clan descriptions must not violate the points above.
    12. The Project Administration monitors players’ compliance with the rules and dispenses disciplinary action specific to each case at their discretion. The clan whose full or abbreviated name is deemed violating the rules can be disbanded without reimbursement of the registration fee. The Administration has the right but is not obliged to give the clan violating the rules up to 24 hours to eliminate the violation.
    13. Any violation of these Rules automatically entail the violation of the User Agreement or other similar document governing the use of the respective game and shall give grounds for sanctions against the clan creator or other person having the authority to manage the clan.